Construction Consultancy Blog By Cube Construction Consultants

5 Key considerations for contractors to ensure project efficiency

Written by Mark Johnston | Aug 24, 2023 11:30:00 AM

A multilevel enterprise like a construction project involves balancing a wide variety of factors in order to ensure efficient project delivery. There are always areas of risk that could undermine efficiency, leading to lower profit margins, and in some cases, budget overruns, delays, and LADs. 

In this article, therefore, we will look at the key efficiency considerations for UK main construction contractors.

1. Thorough planning and programming 

The foundation of any successful construction project is thorough planning and programming. This means taking the time to develop realistic programmes, procurement schedules and roles and responsibilities that account for dependencies, contingencies, potential risks, and milestones. By having a clear plan in place, you can efficiently manage the project timeline and keep your team on track, while allowing for potential unknowns you may face. You can also set realistic expectations with your clients, supply-chain, and other stakeholders.

2. Effective communication and collaboration

Effective communication is vital for any project to run smoothly. As a main contractor, it’s key responsibility to establish effective channels of communication across the whole team both on-site and off-site. This communication must be ongoing and include regular updates on project progress, challenges, and opportunities. By keeping everyone informed, you can avoid misunderstandings and avoid costly delays.

3. Skilled workforce and subcontractor management

A skilled workforce and effective subcontractor management are essential for project efficiency and cost control. Hiring experienced professionals and investing in their ongoing training and development can help increase job satisfaction and motivation while reducing errors and rework. Additionally, the use of a good construction management system can help you streamline your operations and ensure on-time delivery to the agreed quality.

4. Resource optimisation

Optimising resource allocation on-site is crucial to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget and that the objectives are achieved. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the project requirements and costs from the outset and allocate sufficient resources to deliver them – along with an adequate buffer for contingency purposes. One of the biggest risks for a construction project is limited resources – this can create issues with procurement and the programme and can lead to increasingly high-stress levels across the team. A clearly defined procurement schedule together with a well-managed programme supports resource optimisation.

5. Technology integration

Adopting new construction management technologies and integrating these into your strategic planning procedures is a crucial part of streamlining processes, cutting costs, tracking progress, and facilitating collaboration. Construction management software, bespoke construction consultancy, construction management tools, and cloud-based communication platforms can help automate manual tasks, reduce errors, and enhance communication between stakeholders. Milestone from Cube is a prime example of a construction management platform that enables efficient communication, automated tracking of project instructions, documentation, and activity, together with streamlined reporting.

Speak to our team

For more information about how to improve project efficiency, communication, and resource optimisation, or to find out more about our construction management software, Milestone, please speak with one of our team here at Cube today.

Image Source: Pexels